1. Register with TAMU Panhellenic!
2. Complete a Potential New Member Form!
3. If you personally know an ADPi, have them submit a Letter of Recommendation on Pride Online!
4. Send Letters of Support to our Recruitment Analyst at adpi.zl.ra@gmail.com!
August 13th - 14th: Virtual Go Greek
August 15th - 16th: Philanthropy Round
August 17th: Sisterhood Round
August 18th: Preference Round
August 19th: Bid Day

Now please enjoy a Letter to Potential New Members from our very own VP of Primary Recruitment!
My name is Jada-Brooke Espino. I am honored to serve as this year's Vice President of Recruitment. If I could tell my 18 year old self that I would serve as Vice President of Recruitment, I would not believe it. But that's the magic of Greek life. It pushes you beyond what you think you're capable of. It surrounds you with unwavering support of your closest friends. It challenges you to break through the boundaries of your comfort zone and achieve things you never thought possible. Throughout this journey, you are never alone. You're constantly surrounded by the support of your fellow sisters, who become your closest and forever friends. They are more than just friends; they are your pillars of strength, your cheerleaders, and your future bridesmaids. They stand by your side through thick and thin, celebrating your victories and lifting you up during your most challenging moments. So, as you embark on this journey, remember to embrace every moment, big or small. Cherish the laughter, the late-night conversations, and the memories you'll create together, for they are truly priceless. As you navigate through the recruitment process, always remember to stay true to yourself. Trust that the right sisterhood will embrace you for who you are. Know that you're never alone—your sisters are there beside you, ready to go on this journey together. The women of the Zeta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi can't wait to get to know you!
Jada-Brooke Espino

BID DAY 2024